Sunday, January 2, 2011

Heirloom Photo Journeys Challenge...January 1 ,2011

Over at my sister's blog she is taking on a 365 day photo challenge so I thought I would join in.  Tho, I already know I won't be able to post daily (I'll be in Cancun for 8 days in February)...BUT...I can sure take a picture daily and play catch up...
So for my first day late...already playing catch up...Hehe...
January 1, 2011 I awoke around 8:30am and notice the far left light out my bedroom, then noticed the sun...reminded me of a rainbow so I then decided to see if I could see the other end...and in fact I could.  So a beautiful picture that I feel was a sign from Jesus (The Light of my World) showing me 2011 will be amazing.  If we open up our eyes to see his signs...
So Go ahead and join and be sure to leave a comment on our blogs so we can check out yours!!
Happy New Year!!

1 comment:

Karen said...

Great!!! Very Glad you are joining me!!!