Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 61...Cleaning Crew...

I was so excited on Wednesday morning that we had hired some company to come clean my house.  With the basement remodel and new windows we had dust everywhere and I have no item to remove it.

However when Randy came home he found this...
The clock my late Father had made me over six years ago on the counter in pieces with a note.  They dropped it.  However Randy called the company up and their responce was..."Well your wife should of told the girls not to dust it if it was that important to you."  This clock has hung on the wall in the same spot for six years and has never fallen off the wall. so who would of thought?
But anyway...
Through loosing my parents I have come to realize that this is just a material item and it can be fixed someway by my Father-in-law, That I do have my Memories that NO-ONE will ever be able to SHATTER!!
This clock will be fixed and hung back up!
This is my thoughts on cleaning...
"Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the sidewalk before it stops snowing."

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